Vendor Profile

Contract Status


Sign & Pay


Paid in Full

Sign & Pay

Complete Your Vendor Contract

To reserve your booth for the New Visions Holistic Expo, sign your vendor contract and make your payment. Booths are held for a maximum of 7 days.

Sign & Pay

We can’t wait to see you at the Expo!

Booth numbers are assigned, once they have been assigned they will appear here.

Adding this link to your social media or website will help your SEO and be useful for self-promotion.

Once the vendor application is completed the link will appear here.

Apply as a Speaker

Your Contract SELECTIONS

Looks like you need to complete the vendor application.

Looks like you haven’t completed the vendor application. Apply Here.

Use the “Update Profile” button below to edit your displayed information. This content appears on your website profile. If you haven’t had the chance to add product photos, use this to add them. Want to update your phone number or add social links? This can also be handled here.

Once you have submitted your vendor application and paid you can update this information.

York Expo Center
Memorial Hall East, York, PA

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